Hey, people, who remembers Aku, the shapeshifting master of darkness and the coolest villain in Cartoon Network history? I'm making a movie about him, a Samurai Jack spoof, it's turning out pretty good and I can't stop working on it, I lost my sleep already. I hope I can release it soon here on newgrounds. Watch for "Aku's confession" by RatherRandom!
The movie is an experiment as I realized that I never used the line and shape tools in my animations so far. Everything that I animated till now was hand drawn and FBF. This is different than what I usually do, so I hope you'll like it.
Here is a screenshot of artwork in progress...
I will looking foward to it.BTW it's so rare to se bulgarians in newgrounds(Im one of them btw)
Actually, I stopped working on that one. It's on hold but I finshed my "Soldier!" movie, it's gonna be on newgrounds very soon.
Moje da spretneme bulgarsko community v newgrounds, neshto kato crew da se podkrepiame, 4e tia 4ekidjii tuka ot nishto ne razbirat. Shte ti razgledam neshtata tia dni.